Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I have come to the conclusion that al-Qaida and other so called terrorists groups could not be a threat; else, our boarders would be secure.This judge should be impeached!! I guess the US Government can now be labeled an official state sponsor of Islamic terrorism. How many other terrorist groups are now going to line up at the US government trough to try to claim a share of the America pie as a new means of funding their actions.

Why not just have the Democrats in Congress "earmark" some of our tax dollars in their next spending bill to directly fund these terrorist groups. That way we can save the millions of dollars wasted on lenghty trials and bypass these liberal judges that clearly hate America.If the feds are going to wiretap people they need to get a warrant first. They broke the rules and now they are being punished for it.Americans keep getting their asses handed to them by these Muslims lol! It's hilarious! It's also hilarious that Americans keep complaining about how big their government is, but when they do something illegal like this they get all mad about it! Lol! What can you expect though, Americans are the descendants of people who failed in their original countries and ran away from those problems to come here for a fresh start, and since they were all failures the playing field was even. Lol, the truth hurts!

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