Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ha Ha. We Americans get wire tapped without a warrant and there is nothing we can do about it,nteresting....hard case here.

one: too much tax payer money paid out to "suspected terrorists".

two: the dirty feds getting shut down...a beautiful thing.

guess theres no winners wow. You know, lately, as time goes on, I am getting more and more embarrased by the US government and how we seem to be just bending the F**K over. Sooo, non citizens (who the constitution should NOT apply to) who the judge believed could be a threat in going on the SEVENTH year of country being at orange high alert to terrorism- "The record shows that the government had reason to believe that Al-Haramain supported acts of terrorism and that critical intelligence could be obtained by monitoring Al-Haramain," the judge said." ..they get awarded millions of dollars on a technicality... but 9/11 first responders cant get money for their promised and deserved health care. ??
The government can easily shut down music and movie pirating sites, but not this retarded wikileaks site. ??

The government neends to grow some SERIOUS balls. No wonder General Mccrystal was appalled and talking s**t.

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