Saturday, December 25, 2010

I have learned what we are fighting for in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. The answer: Halliburton.Strictly a political war serving the defense complex; We are hated all over the world; Wonder why?
Need I say more?People critical of Obama's lack of military service never seem to talk about George W. Bush going AWOL(deserting) as a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard or about Bush failing to volunteer for Active Duty service for Vietnam. Since Bush is a Republican that type of dishonorable service of the very worst kind is OK??? As a retired AF MSGT I can tell you that without Bush having political connections his actions would've gotten him 20 years in prison. A pilot AWOL during a war!!! How low..We killed 4 million during America's Vietnam holocaust, and dropped more bombs than all of WW2.

The military industrial complex does not need to win wars to make a profit.The problem with the war in Afghanistan is that it cannot be won or lost. The Taliban are a constant enemy, there is no action that can be taken to decisively weaken their strengths. This truly could be a never ending war if the president(s) wanted it to be. The only way we will ever leave is through indecisiveness.

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