Saturday, December 25, 2010

Time to come home~end corrupt war.tom jefferson was right,,,,,,,, a standing army is bad,,,, bad news....... we are going to lose everything becasue of this insanity......9/11 inside jobWe arent going anywhere... We just "discovered" a crap load of lithium there. Lithium is the oil of the future.Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires. Phony war for covert reasons.That was the same thing they said about Nam. A waste is all it is. A waste of blood. A waste of life. A waste of $TRILLIONS that could have been used to keep America from becoming THIRD WORLD!How many ways does it have to be said? "You are not welcome. Go home."From the news : Mexican government confiscated over 60000 long guns which can be traced back to the USA and US government confiscated tons of drugs which can be traced back to Mexico.What's a free trade !!!Why talk about the mexicans and other nations down when americans are being killed by americans everyday on their own turfs. If i am not mistaken average about 250 americans are being killed daily in USA!!!! There are so many slums, unemployments, corrupted police and authorities, homeless people, starving people, undernourished children, drug dealers, school violence, robbery, kidnappers, murders, domestic violence, rapes, frauds, etc etc in USA that the authorities are not able to curb with. This is because they are too busy criticizing, attacking,making war, interfering etc etc and donating billions of funds to nations and pro american political parties and regimes inorder to maintain their superpower status. Wake up USA!!!!

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