Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I was a Firefighter on Sept 11. To all the people who say we knew what we were getting into you have no idea what you are talking about. This was an unprecedented event never before seen. Since Sept 11 I have been forced to retire due to lung problems and thyroid cancer. Our medical coverage after we retire stinks. Much of the uncovered costs are incurred by me. On Sept 11 and in the days and months that followed we were never given proper gear to protect ourselves. The city and the federal government dropped the ball on this one. I was forced to leave a job I fought for years to get. Some of you have called this a handout?! I would trade everything they want to give me to have my health back.
How soon this country forgets. We did what was necessary at the time with no regard for our own well being and are paying the price for the last 10 years. How much would you take to shorten your life a few years?? No one on the outside can ever know what we experienced in those few months. Try carrying your friends bodies out of a dirt hole in pieces for weeks on end and see what that can do to a mans mental state, as well as his physical well being. As for our veterans, it's a travesty that they are treated as they are. I volunteer on a regular basis to help our wounded coming back from the middle east, at my own expense. I feel I owe it to them since they are fighting for what started with me and my FDNY brothers. If you want to do something nice check out the wounded warrior project and donate to them. There are no operating expenses, its all volunteer. All money goes to help soldiers coming back from the war.

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