Thursday, December 30, 2010

If US can jail political opponents and doesn't expect the world to meddle in its internal affairs, Russia is also correct in telling the world to shut up.Crazy Ridiculous Amateur Politics (CRAP, acronym)! Yahoo! news.If we should free Khodorkovsky, we should also free Madoff. They are the same kind of people. Why is Madoff is jail for 150 years, but no one complains? It hints that someone should get off drugs.I rather admire Russia locking up even its richest convicts without hesitation. They also carry out death sentences there. Their courts aren't tied up with limitless appeals and retrials.I agree with the russians, we need to mind our own business,,gees, no wonder the rest of the world
hates americans,push our ways on others and cant stop sticking our noses in others business..

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