Thursday, December 30, 2010

you people are idiots Khodorkovsky is a criminal who stole billions off dollars and try to flee to israel ,people like him are jewish pricks who use israel - west propaganda to bad mouth the russia state. russia is a democratic state , and not controlled by special interests as the untied states is by American Israel public affairs commitee and jewish campaign money , while jewish infulenced newspaper and politicians complain about democracy in Russia , america maintains a completely controlled two party system that is structured to stifle third party dissent and representation. Russia is an anti communist state like no other,russia has moved toward more freedom and healthy national sentiment, while AMERICA HAS MOVED TOWARD MORE STATE CONTROL , PATRIOT ACT,..ECT
AMERICAN TODAY IS LED BY JEWISH EXTREMIST GROUP THAT WAS FOUNED BY FOLLOWERS OF LEON TROTSKY THE NOTORIOUS JEWISH BOLSHEVIK HEAD OF THE RED ARMY IN THE EARLY YEARS OF COMMUNIST REVOLUTION , A MAN WHO MURRDERED MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CHRISTIANS !!!!!!!!!!!Hillary accussing the Russian government of selective prosecution is a joke on the American people . Unfortunately the headline readers and party zombies won't even get the hypocracy. The commerical media in the USA is a worthless failure to the American people

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