Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Interesting that members of government are permitted to legally participate in insider trading. Seems they can't stand the concept of people outside of government doing the same thing.

I'm not a proponent of insider trading but I aldo do not believe in a double standard. If it's illegal for one group of people it should be illegal for all, including congressional leaders.Dumbie - these are not merely rich people that are stealing from other rich people. The bulk of the losses are felt by other funds. Many of those funds hold the retirement incomes of today's workers and today's pensioners. Insider trading also makes it more likely people will not invest in companies with those type capital requirements. that limits job creation. In fact, the damage these people do to our economy and our society is far more than almost any other criminal activity in this country. Their prision terms should be as severe or moreso.Insider trading causes damage to the economy. Time to get these criminals.just the tip of the icebergconsumer confidence slips home prices declinde dollar value tank while wall street crooks manipulate stock prices on no fundementals.what a ponzi scam .how disgusting.

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