Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It is not the government's responsibility to create jobs. Crime needs to be dealt with and insider trading is a major crime which affects average investors. Frankly I don't want anything to do with the Dow Jones or the crooked Wall St.Arrests in that case included Raj Rajaratam, a one-time billionaire hedge fund founder who has insisted that he only made trades based on publicly known information. He is free on $100 million bail while he awaits trial.

I guess white collar crime really does pay if he can afford to be out on that bail amount.Funny, the biggest ponzi scheme of All is the Federal Reserve working with The Big Boys on Wall Street. Goldman Sachs made Billions and Billions pay a simple 500 million fine, and everyone is fine with it... No one in Jail. Guess having your prior executives run the Fed helps...

It's all crap.... And no one seems to care....answer this why did the sec arrest her and not the rich person that got the information and made money off the insider information. the sec never ever arrest rich people. wonder why justice is blind to this injustice by the sec.

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