Sunday, December 26, 2010

It is very sad for both sides because they are dying for nothing but for politicians.Unless we are CLEARLY threatened and there is absolute proof (unlike WMD,Tonkin Gulf, etc.), our military should not be deployed to kill or be killed in an undeclared war. How the heck is Afghanistan a threat to the United States? A haven for terrorists? The terrorists operate anywhere they want to set up. The governments we are trying to support are terribly corrupt. The citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan are almost entirely innocent victims of both us and the terrorists. We need to come home and take care of our own. Not one more life should be sacrificed to this ill conceived "war".Every time I hear about this war, I keep thinking of the song "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath, mostly the part when "Politicians hide them self's away. they only started the war. Why should they go out and fight? they leave it all to the poor"Why are these people losing their lives for something the CIA and the US Government false flagged on 9/11? Bin Laden is still a CIA agent, that's why they haven't found him yet. I bet he's in the oval office chillin with Obama right now, hehe.

But really, why do people keep believing these lies and propaganda about 9/11? It's been more than 9 years, you should know the truth by now. These soldiers are losing their lives for no reason. For oil, for money, for the Corporate and Government fat cats, those are the only real reasons.

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