Sunday, December 26, 2010

@MuscleCar61 How would you define "winning" this war? It cannot be won. I would argue we cannot afford to be there anymore. It is costing us too much money and we need to be saving as much as we can these days to fix problems at home.Most afghans don't even know what 9/11 is, let alone who did it and why. All they see are foreign armies in their country killing their people. They are more than willing to give up their lives to fight these armies and will continue to do so as long as we are there. We will NEVER be able to convince them we are the good guys. Short of killing every last person there, we should have left 6 years ago. Why are we still at war? We have know reason to be over there. We are letting our family members die for the rich and poweriful, Enough is never enough for them. Figure it out people.
Stop supporting the rich and force our government to bring home our troops.

Replies (1) If you make your fortune outsourcing, please leave the country.
You are no longer welcome.America belongs to it's majority population.
The working class.
We just let you top 1%'ers to live here.


We are starting to get second thoughts on that.

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