Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The judge is probably Bin Ladens brother from another motherwhat happened to warrants. and innocent until proven guilty. now its your guilty until proven innocent and now the government or cops can do anything they want thanks to that stupid patriot act. this is not what are country is supposed to be. it needs to go back to the constitution and freedom and liberty we need to go back to a small government and we need to braing all troops home we dont need to be the worlds policeThe Constitution was designed to protect our citizens from the very government that's supposed to safeguard our rights. Warrantless wiretapping and illegal eavesdropping are two examples of bad government in action. For all of those here who actually think that this kind of thing is acceptable, and who are going to argue with me that it is, I leave you with some words of wisdom from one of the founding fathers who made our wonderful Constitution possible. "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin FranklinSO whats wrong with Bin Laden? Bonzo Reagan and Ollie North loved him. They laundered Iran/Contran gold through his family they excavated in Philippines in the 80's. While they were funding and training the Abu Sayyaf muslim terrorists. Albeit to fight in Afghanistan. But now they kidnap for ransom and behead our tourist in Phil. Thanks Reagan!!!

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