Wednesday, December 22, 2010

@ Secular Humanist: regarding the comment you made, "the Constitution applies to all residing within the United States,citizens and permenent residents and non citizens alike. All have equal protection under the law. Also I guess you missed the class on Freedom of speech and freedom of the press.That also applies to Wikileaks."

Wikileaks isnt freedom of speech. It's not Julian Assange writing things himself, his beliefs or etc. and posting it, or things he's written. It's classified documents. Other people's stuff basically, that could hurt relations with leaders of other countries, dimplomats, etc. Nothing on there is HIS stuff or what he's originally thinking or saying or writing.
Sooo, if I stole a video from your computer that you made of you fu*kn your wife or jerking off to kiddie porn and posted it on youtube for the world to see, you;d be cool with that right? ya know, freedom of speech 'n all. I'm sure your wife would be pissed at that, being the party that is also exposed (like others in wikileaks). But if I stole that off yoru computer and posted it for all to watch over and over, Im sure you'd be all G with that, right, even though it's not mine and had nothing to do with me and wasnt meant to be seen by anyone, you;re saying that because I posted it, it's freedom os speech so you;d be all G with that right?

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