Monday, December 27, 2010

"non profits" the biggest tax evasion scam ever run where

the management are all fill their pockets and pay no taxesI still think we should have let those banks fail. Now they are using the house giveaways to exempt them from paying taxes on their profit.just another way for the banks to get baled out,in way of tax breaks.give to a non profit for an infated value.thats just the american way.They'll do what ever makes them th most money or gives them the biggest tax break. Why right off part of a short sale when you can write of the whole house to a charity give away. They call that buying tax credits, which you need if you're making windfall profits.These houses will end in foreclosure again. I found a 3 yr old duplex in my area that was bought by Citbank. I went to the Court House and was shown the file on the sale to Citibank. The clerk said the property was sold in early March and still in August paperwork was not sent to Court House. The file was not up to date. The clerk told me not to go for a foreclosure - the banks are buying them up and not releasing them. So where are the banks getting all this money - oh, I remember all the billions they got because they were going under. I can't figure out why people smarter than me aren't going into the banks screaming! This is a disaster.

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