Monday, December 27, 2010

These "so-called" non-profits give their principles and executives huge salaries while still qualifiying as a "non-profit". It's just another taxpayer funded scam. It's the same thing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and others do with their so-called "non-profits. We taxpayers bail out the banks for these foreclosures because they sold mortgages to people who couldn't truly afford them. Then...the banks sell them to these non-profits who get government subsidies from us the taxpayers and then rehab and sell them to low-income homeowners who are in the same boat as many of the previous homeowners who couldn't afford these houses in the first place...and then what? We're going to have to bail them out as well two years down the road? These people are getting our tax dollars to go to school, pay for their daycare, buy their food, buy them cell phones, etc. It's just another form of taxpayer-funded welfare. Meanwhile...these non-profit principles make huge incomes off this scam paid for with our tax dollars! There are renters...and there are homeowners. Some renters will never be homeowners. Even when we subsidize them and put them in these homes. Being a homeowner is not a civil right. It's a goal to aspire to for those who want to work for it. There are no guarantees in life. You get what you work for. THAT's the reality, whether anyone in Washington wants to admit it or not.

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