Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our Southern border continues to hemorrhage, our brave men and women are involved in a war that can not be won and Obama is playing golf in Hawaii and pretending to be a Christian?

R.I.P., America...Bush and Cheney you two have a special place in hell. All of these young people dying, wounded, shell shoked because of you. GOD bless all who are fighting, are tired, miss their families and their country. I pray that you all come home soon. Let those swine over there take care of their own. bush didn't think that he's sending our troops to places that still live in biblical times? Hell is calling you, you piece of trash BUSH.I highly recommend the NatGeo documentry "RESTREPO". I watched 2 weeks ago and have not stopped thinking about our troops since . It is an unbiased, non political view about our troops in the Korengal Valley in Afganistan.Lets not forget who got us into both wars. George W thats who.No one, from Alexander the Great through modern times, has ever won a war in Afghanistan. Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
Bring our troops home, and grant asylum to the Afghani women who need it.

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