Sunday, December 26, 2010

Of course all of you bloggers are aware that a huge gas pipeline project is planned from Turkmenistan to India passing through Afghanistan and Pakistan right? Oh yes, and what about those huge lithium deposits in Afghanistan......maybe that has a bearing on our military presence. After all, all you liberals in SFO are driving a Prius and its needs a lithium battery right? LOL. Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" (Amazon has it) and maybe, just maybe, you will have a better understanding of what this is all about.Use Bush and Cheney for missle or drone test pilots!the creeps, weirdos and baby-killers of the United States Army, finally getting their comeuppance? For all the friendlies and Afghani civilians they've arbitrarily slaughtered, what goes around, indeed, comes around -- QED, asj.Bring our Boys home and send them to our Southern Border where there is a war and an invasion going on!!!!!!!!!Why do we as a nation keep pretending that our generals will ever tell us the truth. They are men who's BUSSINESS is ...WAR... without war they don't have what justifies there positions......Why would they speak against a need of themselves....The answer is always more time,men,and weapons and we can win.....AFghanistan will never be defeated and they never have been.....There nothing to win but sand and a uneducated poverty ridden people from the dark age....No real nation as measured in western terms ....So get out and do it now not later.

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