Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pull our troops home and let the taliban rot in the desert. Tell pakistan, afganastan and every other 'stan...."good luck"....shut it all down and head for home.....put enough troops on our southern border to shut off all illegals and drug trade and then let the mexicans deal with their out of control drug lords....if they cross the border...shoot to killget out you warmonger's-stop killing innocent women and children like the wikileaks documents are showing!Some critics have proposed that the real motive for invading Afghanistan was its importance as a conduit for oil pipelines from Azerbaijan to Afghanistan's neighboring countries. Others have argued that the pipeline was not a significant reason for the invasion of Afghanistan, firstly because most western governments and oil companies prefer an export route from the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan and Georgia and on to the Black Sea over one through Afghanistan. Bypassing Russia and Iran would break their collective monopoly on regional energy suppliesIf the children of the wealthy and powerful had to go fight these wars......we would not be involved in these wars.......think about it.

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