Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thank Bush - he is the one who got us into this war. Thank the Bush and Bush Sr. for funding the guys, who ended up becoming Al Qaida, in their desire to ou-maneuver the Russians for control of oil pipelines. Obama is the only one trying to get us out of there. We actually stand a chance with Petraus now, the same general who Bush exiled, Obama brought him back to finish the job and get us out of there. No matter what anyone tells us about the great reasons to start a war - this is what it becomes everytime. This is not the movies - in reality this is big business for many people - they love war because they can make money on it. So they help find ways to make us afraid of arabs, muslims, jews, whatever - so they can make money. The only muslims we need to be afraid of are a group of extremists and local warlords who stand to make money too. They do the same thing to their people - fill them with stories about how horrible americans are - make them afraid of us - so afraid they will become suicide bombers. If you strip it all away - most people on both sides haven't a clue -and are being manipulated by a handful of guys who see it as a way to make more money. Remember this the next time anyone - Republican or Democrat - tell you that we have to go to war to protect someones rights, to fight communism, terrorism etc..... sure that exists - but the real reason they want to go to war is that someone stands to make a whole crap load of money at the expense of the lives of idealistic youths of all countries.

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