Wednesday, December 22, 2010

US "donated" $42 million worth of blood and sweat of Americans...
i can't believe the article says donated? "donated" the taxpayers money? do they think we are imbeciles? the government does not have the right to "donate" the taxpayers money! we need our money spent here on our people!Vietnam 2 brought to you by Bush/Cheney. Keep feeding the military /industrial complex tax money and young troops until the nation is bankrupt.This is getting sickening. the waste of our tax dollars again. This stuff should be accounted for from the second it leaves this country til it is shot in the arm. I am sick and tired and if I wasn't going to be censored my language would be much stronger. I am sick and tired of paying taxes and then hearing this S@#$. It is about Time our voices are heard and career politicians are out. Stop killing our country so that other can prosper.Karzai is a crook. Let's get of this s..t hole before we as a country go down the hole.
Bring the money home to support American people. Protect US Boarders from enemies foreign and domestic.
Get it right Obama, just because Congress said yes to gay's in the military this is not something that is a great accomplishment. They should serve if they want to serve.
The new tax plan, which I hope some explains to Mr. Rangle is not that great for the average American.
You are not a great leader but you are up there with Jimmy Carter another President who was confussed as to who he was President of. Of the People for the People.

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