Sunday, December 26, 2010

there woudn't be any illegal wars started by corrupt politicians and perpetuated by the military industrial complex. Our military is to protect the US from foreign enemies, it does not give congress card blance to illegally invade and occupy countries. That's called imperialism.It is sad to read that more people have died in this useless war. Bring soldiers home!We are still waging President Bush's Mid-East war. The Afghan war made a little sense when it started, but the political in-fighting doomed any early success chances of capturing Ben Laden. Long term success is not possible in the Mid-East. The Iraq war did not seem to make any sense from day 1. So --- here we are more than 8 years later with everyone placing blame on the current president.This has gone too far. A war on terrorism? How do you fight a war when you don't know who you're fighting? Just like Cassie K said, these people can be anywhere. Even behind our lines! And they have the homefield advantage.The longer America fights over there, the more troops we lose, the more innocent civilians are killed and the more money we spend. And all for what?Send the gays over there and aids them to death.

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