Sunday, December 26, 2010

They will keep dying as "Security and Protection" until we secure the rights to mine the 1 trillion dollars in mineral deposits. Money you will never see.No clear objectives and no exit strategy: thats the way the conservatives like their wars. i pray for our brave men and women that were sent over seas to die for the whims of the top 1%. It's time to bring our soldiers home so that no more may die for a pointless operation.Military commando not removed in 2007 when president junior Bush announced warfinished business?
Can not impeach military commando and cheif until Obama arrived with coin flippers law BOOK,
Nixon impeached for spy ware = coin flipper rule BOOK junior Bush grabbed coin,How did it get to a point where the American people couldn't stop the American government from waging wars and coming up with new and more ridiculous reasons why those wars must be continued?Funny But I felt safe before Bush took office.Very sorry for our poor misguided dead soldiers.The Pentagon obviously didn't study the Soviets getting their butts kicked there.Which ended in the collapse of the Soviet Union.
So as long as military contractors can rape us tax payer,I guess your son's lives are worth it, in their view .

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