Sunday, December 26, 2010

vote repubiklan so american can have endless ,senseless and useless war....The military industrial complex thanks you for your continued ignorance.....Keep the profits going to the warmongers and wall street criminals so profits can continue to be extorted from the american middle class. How much is the of a life of american soldier worth on wall street charts and graphs in dollars and cents?.A politician sees his family every day, a deployed soldier: once in six months. A politician flies first class, a soldier C130. A politician's pension is not reduced, a soldier: clawed back at 65. The politician enjoys an expense account, the soldier must justify extra rations. The ...politician vows to defend his country, THE SOLDIER makes sure to keep that promise!!

I served in Afghanistan numerous times and I have seen the rules change too many times for the worst. The govt will give soldiers awards for not shooting during a firer fight. They tell us not to wear sunglasses because it offends the local. Then they will not send Close Air Support to us when we are pinned down. They do not want us to fight and win. It has got alot worst over the past two years. They have taken and taken and taken. Now it is like the govt does not care. I love this country. I will continue to serve but in the military, but the rule for promoting officers and enlisted needs to change. Get rid of the buddy system.

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