Sunday, December 26, 2010

Love the soldiers, hate the war. End this war now and bring home these young heroes. Well I'm sure morale will be boosted soon with all the homosexuals running around giving out reacharounds!

Replies (1) i was having a discussion with my 7th grade students about the word "relevant." when i asked for examples of things that are relevant to them, on student chirped, "war." in 7th grade, war is what these kids understand. what kind of country has America turned into?This sickening war has to stop.hundreds from Camp Campbell dead,families lives ruined for ever,just so we can continue to pump money to ole Karzi and his corrupt govt and oh by the way they have to walk on eggs and endanger their own lives so as not to kill any poor little future muslim Hello ???

Terrorism has no borders, hence "why the heck are we in afghanistan"?

Money it why??? Lots and Lots of Corporate money....

Same for Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, etc........

Lets sue Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Rice...........

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