Sunday, December 26, 2010

war sucks @#$%, people are getting killed who just trying to make a living, when we will we learn that we need to put down our guns and give each other help instead"This war is un-winnable in todays politically correct climate. We have to be supper nice to the enemy and they get to send in women strapped with explosives to blow them selves up."

The Soviets were not nice to the enemy and they lost the war. And they lost miserably.Having done my bit in Nam, I feel qualified to say that it is time to get out of Afghanistan and let those people decide their own destiny, whatever it may be. We are sure losing a lot of fine men.They died for nothing, absolutely nothing. No one will remember them except their families and relatives.Get the caskets and burial flags ready and have plenty of them.
Welcome to yet another Vietnam .My brother was active duty Air Force during Desert Storm/Gulf War. He was stationed at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware. I've been on that base many times. My brother still talks about the eeriest,saddest and most awful site he ever saw was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of flag draped coffins sitting in an air plane hanger. Or the black body bags flag draped in one of the hangers. He said you just knew someone was getting bad news and there were more coming. It seemed to be ever flowing. He said he can't imagine the guys now, and how they are handling this. It was difficult for them back then, now with even more losses it must be a chore to close their eyes at night. Remember that picture when you vote and when you read these articles. My brother was lucky enough to come home in one piece. Four of my sons have not and four are still out there. Make the government give them what they need to end this NOW>

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