Sunday, December 26, 2010

Check the facts about 9/11. Don't be fooled by what the media allowed you to see. Seek the truth, which will just lead you down a rabbit hole of more unanswered questions. We have been lied to and will continue to be lied to as long as we accept ignorace as bliss.When a child is born in Iraq, the parents no longer ask "is it a girl or a boy?" They ask "Is it normal?"

{google - "depleted uranium Iraq"}You really think the U.S. Military is leaving with all the Natural Resources to steal ????

"It has some of the world's remaining unexploited world class deposits of copper, iron ore and some other fairly exotic minerals. And it has some limited natural gas. The estimates of the worth of these deposits are quite substantial," he said. Petraeus told a Congressional committee three months ago that what makes these deposits valuable is that they are "a couple of the only world-class fields left."

Besides $420 billion worth of iron and $274 billion worth of copper, Afghanistan possesses concentrations of gold with an estimated value of $25 billion, according to USGS. there are $81 billion worth of niobium deposits, a mineral used in superconducting materials, and $50 billion worth of cobalt.

Laughing, Karzai replied, "Trillion! Yeah, $3 trillion. Trillion, sorry. That's what I meant. Trillion, trillion, yeah. $1 to $3 trillions

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