Sunday, December 26, 2010

We need to get out of these ignorant conflicts as soon as possible and bring all of our sons and daughters back home. Another ignorant war, another pile of ignorant war deaths.
Ask the Russians why they had such a difficult time with Afghanistan and eventually pulled out. If you can not figure out who the enemy if they do not wear a uniform you need to pack your bags and go home.
North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.The only reason there are any American casualties, at all, is that we are determined to continue fighting a politically correct war,"

The Soviets did not fight a politically correct war there and the war killed 15,000 and wounded 100,000 soviet troops."Hey Binky, you cannot kill them fast enough. The more you kill the more terrorist you create. It is amazing we keep doing these stupid little wars and we learn nothing from them. And you wonder why the people in the Middle East hate us."

Can we win a war on terror? The answer is no and never. Terrorism is an ideology. An ideology cannot be wiped out by bombs or body scanners.

The "war on terror" is a joke. It's used for terrorists to terrorize others.

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