Saturday, December 25, 2010

We will not fall. Do you really think, that the U.S. would allow itself to not have the high ground? We (or should I say certain corporations) have money invested in covert programs in the USA. We spend in the hundreds of billions for black budget space related programs a year. This all can be easily seen by reading Michael E. Salla's book on Exopolitics. Even insiders (such as from Dr. Steven Greer's witness group) from people who've worked on antigravity technology (reversed ET craft), have been speaking out for disclosure. The world is a big stage for lies and cover ups. The space program for the USA is one of them.The smoking cable: Israel said it had ’secret accord’ with U.S. over expanding settlements even as Obama said in Cairo they must stop! by Philip Weiss on December 21, 2010 · This is why Wikileaks is so crucial: A June 2009 cable from France, days after the great Cairo speech of Obama, in which the Israelis are said to claim a secret deal with the US for settlement growth. I'm running. More to say later. And note too where Sarkozy says, Israel, the horse of history is galloping past the window. Jump now or you are finished. The Palestinians are stronger than you think. Beautiful. Europe is taking Palestine's side now because of this understanding. Wow. Thank you, Mr. Assange:"MFA Middle East Director (Assistant Secretary-equivalent) Patrice Paoli informed POL Minister Counselor June 18 that Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Baraktold French officials in Paris June 15 that the Israelis have a "secret accord" with the USG to continue the "natural growth" of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Paoli noted that the French anticipate strong Israeli resistance to USG pressure on this issue.... "President Sarkozy will have three messages to convey to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
when they meet in Paris on June 24: "-- 'You think you've got time, but you don't.'"-- 'You think you have an alternative solution, but you don't.' "-- 'You think you're stronger than the Palestinians, but
you're not.' "Paoli said that Sarkozy will stress that 'there is a single door and it is imperative to move through it now.'"

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