Saturday, December 25, 2010

Many Indian people have no food or shelter. Yet, the government set aside $2.8 billion to waste. It is also interesting. Look at the cloud of explosion in which some curry color(brown) there. It was much different from US space shuttle's explosion.. Don't worry India...!!....the program should continue. This is nothing compared to the Space Shuttle explosions, or the Apollo accident where 4 american astronaut died. I see a bunch of ignorants posting today, but they don't remember the tragedies of the U.S. space history. Oh well......

Replies (1) I find it extremely sad that both the Chinese and the Indians are actively pursuing manned missions of exploration while our own space activities revolve around having to pay the Russians to lift us up to the (let's face it now) antiquated ISS. I,m not saying the private ventures will not succeed, but they don't project a national presence like NASA, and who knows how long it will take for their development. It is also disturbing that the US has no heavy lift capability, as that leaves us vulnerable to other interests. Finally, all you xenophobic dummies spouting your hate filled garbage need to realize that you are doing is nothing but reinforcing the image of America and Americans as arrogant, misinformed, self-centered bigots. Although that may be an apt description of you, it hardly reflects the ethos that is supposed to underlay our society, so due everyone a favor and STIFLE yourselves.

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