Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why didn't they wire tap Haliburton and maybe find out where all the missing billions went.Most people of this nation do not know that all calls made in this nation are diverted to Israel then back to their destination. I am Muslim and I know that my phones and home have been monitored. I also believe that their are tracking devices on my car. Gestapo tactics by this government whether it is Bush or Obama is the same.I don't like this situation anymore than anyone else here. I certainly don't support terrorism, and since this is yahoo, I won't share my insights on what I would like to see happen to those who do support it. However, the fact remains that I must uphold the Constitution of my country since it's designed to protect not only my freedoms but those of all other Americans. I'm not angry at the judge for doing his job. I'm upset that we chose to turn a blind eye to what Bush was doing, and allowed him and his corrupt administration to do whatever they pleased. The bottom line is that if they had gone about it honestly, then this mess could have been avoided entirely. We should never be willing to sacrifice our rights under any circumstances. Too many men and women have given their lives to make sure this doesn't happen, and to protect their country and it's people. It would be a shame to just throw all of that away out of fear and the desire for revenge.

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