Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's all about maintaining a constant state of controlled fear. In that way, the global elite can justify further depriving the ordinary people of civil liberties and rights, as they increasingly consolidate and strengthen their stranglehold on power. Also, they are able to transfer vast amounts of wealth to the ruling class, through expenditures for the insatiable military-industrial-security complex.

When people are afraid, they will give up almost anything to return their lives to a semblance of normalcy.

Somehow all of this fear seems to translate into more power and money for the ruling class, and less freedoms and liberties for the citizenry. There is a definite pattern here. Try to look beyond the headlines and news-bites of the mainstream media; just make an effort to connect the dots. Also, look beyond current events, and review a little world history; it does seem to repeat itself.

Back in September of 2001, the then-President Bush explained that the attacks were because "they hate us for our freedoms."

It is somewhat curious and ironic that—in order to protect our liberties, freedoms, and American way-of-life—our OWN government implemented long-planned solutions which necessitated its curtailing them itself. (Go figure!)

It is ever so easy for the ruling class to take advantage of perceived and actual problems—by introducing solutions that do not truly benefit the public-at-large. Instead, the proffered solutions substantially advance any number of agendas of the power elite themselves. It is a classic example of the Hegelian Dialectic: problem->reaction->solution (thesis->anti-thesis->synthesis). It is a great way to persuade the citizenry to accept something that actually is not in their best interest.

At the highest levels of decision-making, distinctions such as the Democrats versus Republicans, liberals versus conservatives, and the Left versus the Right dichotomy becomes blurred, and substantially disappears. Things are not always what they seem, as their ostensible motives conceal their true ones. Practically speaking, it is analogous to playing "good cop versus bad cop" in a police interrogation room. In the final analysis, they all serve the same master: the international ruling class ("power elite").

Such real power and control is primarily manifested through the “front” organizations of the global power elite: governments, financial institutions and the mainstream media; it is largely enforced via the national security, intelligence, and military apparatuses. "Divide-and-conquer" strategy takes care of the rest. This inertia is built into the system. So, is it such a surprise that—at the lower levels—the citizenry question little, and effectively "police" themselves?

Case in point: The House of Rothschild has been playing these types of manipulative games since the Napoleonic Era. In the long run, they always seem to win.

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