Friday, January 14, 2011

All oil goes to the open market. We don't put in our share and oil goes up. The government robs the oil revenues before, during and after to pay for their pet projects and creating bigger government. It's a pyramid scheme and you don't see a dime of it.Despite an absence of new permits and only the recent resumption of drilling on wells already started before the BP blowout, the region is currently producing over 1.6 million barrels of oil a day, more than anywhere else in the world.
Brazil runs a close second. The country produces nearly the same amount as the United States and is busy developing one of the biggest new discoveries in recent years
Angola produces about 1.2 million barrels a day from deepwater fields, Nigeria another 600,000, according to numbers from the Energy Policy Research Foundation. under 400,000 barrels a day, Norway is another big producer.the US imports over 60% of the oil used in the US every day, we're still years if not decades away from solar, wind and nuclear power, soros owns BILLIONS of dollars of stocks in oil co's around the world, do you REALLY think soros/obamo is going to allow ANY more drilling in the US? soros/obamo sezs IMPORT BABY IMPORT

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