Friday, January 14, 2011

New York will loose 40% of its charm without the United Nation and up to 25% of the city revenues if U.N is relocated to another country. Maybe U.S. congress should introduce another resolution settling American violent settlers in and around Hebron, Occupied Palestine and settle them at the present U.N building....PROBLEM SOLVED !

All these B.S. about U.S. banking law and illegal money laundering miss one aspect of the global filth money call pornography money. Oop no law for that...because the Jews own that industry.No. 8 - Really? Then why did the US have use NATO to act in Bosnia when the UN wouldn't? Why did the US have to basically go it alone in Afghanistan and Iraq when the UN wouldn't do it's job? Why does the UN not do it's job with Iran? Why does the UN not do it's job with North Korea. No, the UN takes our money while we clean up the world's messes or expect us to when we don't. We need to stop giving the UN money to not do it's job while the world goes to heck in a hand basket. It's "League of Nations" all over again only it's taken longer to reach a point of uselessness. The UN was supposed to exist to be a means to resolve the world's conflicts peacefully or at least prevent crises from spinning out of control into larger crises. But then do nothing to resolve conflicts and do nothing to prevent crises from spinning out of control. They think producing mountains of useless paper can do anything. It's easier to produce those mountains of useless paper than it is to actually do anything productive, so that is what they do.

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