Monday, January 10, 2011

Amazing that over 700 body parts have just been sitting on top of that building for all these years. There are probably body parts sitting on top of other structures too. Sad.9/11
Firefighters for 9/11Truth
Pilots For 9/11Truth

All the facts and evidence points to 9/11 being an inside jobThere is nothing wrong with questioning your government, in fact it is YOUR DUTY to question your government. I am not saying 9/11 was an inside job (I don't know), but it is perfectly patriotic to question what happened especially if that is the direction the evidence leads.Nice to see more people spreading the truth!
Sheeple dare not look into these sites, for FEAR of the truth.
The awakening is slow but sure.YES! 9/11 was an inside job! all evidence points to it! please you ignorant sheep! wake the heck up!This doesn't explain how building 7 fell straight down JUST like a controlled demolition, ON 9/11 after a few "scattered fires" and not even being hit by a plane, plus it fell flat in a little over six seconds.

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