Monday, January 10, 2011

It fell just like the twin towers. Straight down, like a controlled demolition.It doesn't matter if the US government was involved. Even if Bush had no idea in advance, we still know about the CIA's operation Cyclone. Our government funded, trained and set up the precursors to both the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, in order to defeat the Soviet Army during the Cold War. Osama Bin Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri and the Karzai brothers all received support, training, money and arms. We taught the terrorists how to take down planes and towers. Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted it in 97 in a French Magazine called Le Nouvel Observateur, and Robert Gates admitted US involvement even before the Russians invaded. The neocons were surely there too, but they never admit to anything.Another failure of the Bush legacy. May he burn in hell for what he did to this great country.There were orders to shoot down at least one of the planes at Dick Cheney ordered a stand down to allow the attack to happen. That has been documented by the testimony of Norman Mineta. Cheney is affiliated with Halliburton and no one is going to argue about how much they have profited from this war. He was able to pay a $250 million dollar fine to the Nigerian gov over a bribery charge. That's a good amount of money

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