Saturday, January 15, 2011

Americans exist to be enslaved to supporting Pentagon mercenaries,

Not the US military exists to support & defend the American people, such as our southern border that is being invaded by millions, Rather than a phantom enemy in foreign countries.We are giving away 400 Million Dollars a day for endless war & borrowing the money to do it" Dear Mr & Mrs America your pocket has been picked & the wolves are at the doorMost of you supported criminal Bush's wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. Wars are always costly. What are you complaining about?SIMPLE SOLUTION, do as the IRS does to American Citizens when they demand money and payments from us. Demand an audit of the privately owned federal reserve bank. Present them with a tax bill of all income at the highest possible rate going back to its inception. Then impose on them an assessment and tax bill, with the same 75% penalties, interest, and late fees, all compounding at the same outrageous interest like they do to us. Impose the maximum prison sentences on all the top bankers of this corporation. Then terminate all contracts, agreements, and laws with said institution, and impose new laws prohibiting the USA from doing business with them or any other private bank. These simple steps would instantly reverse the country's position from a debtor to creditor and reverse the trillions owed, to trillions the bank owes USA, growing at a huge surplus to USA every year!!! Before he was ASSASSINATED President JFK started this process and signed executive order 11110, which has not been repealed, meaning if the current spineless leadership wanted to, they could immediately + SIMPLY resolve the country's current ridiculous financial situation.

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