Saturday, January 15, 2011

this government spends 155 million everyday for this "fake" war on terror.... remember those cave dwellers with box cutters. :)

the only people making money the last 8 years are

1 the bankers
2 the oil companies
3 the drug companies (see 2)
4 the war machine companies

its real simpleMore like the massive military is to be the world police. A noble idea, but worthless in the real world.Get these young kids out of there!!! It is useless for us to be there as soon as we are gone it is going to go back the same way it was before. You are having our kids die for no reason at all. This war should have never been fought in the first place. It shouldn't have been shock and awe, it should have been total obliteration. How many more of our kids are going to have to die?

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