Saturday, January 15, 2011

"barging into homes at gunpoint and ordering inhabitants to get on the floor."

Iraq, NJInflation is a decreasing value of a currency relative to real good and services. If you increase the value of the Chineese currency you have deflation for that currency. If the US devalues it's currency we have inflation which tend to increase the relative value of other currencies. Geithner is not making sense. Also increased investment opportunities in China for US bussiness seem likely to mean even less job for low skilled US workers. Is that a worthy goal right now?Peter, you are right. Your country China should leave us alone. Please
go buy your dogs some tainted dog food before you eat them. Next go to
Wal-Mart and buy your kids some Cadmium tainted jewelry, and then brush
your teeth with poisoned toothpaste. If the fumes coming off the drywall in your
home are too toxic, just go outside and breathe that clean Chinese air or take a dip
in one of your pristine rivers. Your government is the one who extends a handshake
with one hand, while concealing a knife behind their back in the other!!!

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