Saturday, January 15, 2011

It is Corporate America that has abandoned the US in favor of the communists in China. And our out of control elected politicians that continue to spend like drunken sailors and finance our endless and needless wars through the Communists of China.
The destruction of America is from within.there is cheaper oil elsewhere and more of it. The US oil workers demand too much pay. That and the oil companies are not allowed to poison the waterways and land with toxic chemicals they use in drilling.
When G.W.Bush was governor of Texas, he gave a $3 BILLION a year in tax breaks to his oil buddies. There was NOT a increase in the rig counts of the state, NOR was there any price breaks at the pump. When oil prices are high they uncap the wells and pump as much as possible until the price drops, the they cap the well closed until prices rise again.
Obama has nothing to do with it. Wake up.Did the minister not realize the chemical that was used in the clean up made the situation worse in the Gulf. Fish, dolphins, and other wildlife are still dying. The Gulf is pretty much a dead zone. So it does not matter that BP did a crappy job, because they responsible for the mess. There is no accountability, otherwise, those involved in the crime would be sitting in jail.

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