Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The big banks own the Fed, they are the masters, their mistresses are the politicians. Get used to it. republican or democrat in administration, the treasury secretaries are wall streeters or "owned" by wall street.

When the next crisis comes (and come it will, just like seasons), any major losses by the banks WILL BE PAID by TAXPAYERS. Nothing will change unless all these slimy goons in Washington are thrown, excepting a few honest ones that care about the country and the integrity of the currency. And that my friends is not going to happen anytime soon.7."The major houses of Wall Street play a double game with their customers--doing investment deals with companies in their private offices while their stock analysts are out front whipping up enthusiasm for the same companies' stocks.

Think of Goldman Sachs still advising a 'buy' on prime mortgage stocks, even as the company abruptly revealed billions of dollars in loss in shareholder equity. Goldman earned $69 million from Enron underwriting, the leader among the $323 million Enron paid Wall Street firms. Think of the young Henry Blodget, now famous as Merrill Lynch's never-say-sell tout for the same Nasdaq clients whose fees helped fuel Blodget's $5-million-a-year income (Merrill has begun settling investor lawsuits in cash). Think of Mary Meeker at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, dubbed the 'Queen of the Net' for pumping up Internet firms while Morgan Stanley was taking in $480 million in fees on Internet IPOs. The conflict is not exactly new but has reached staggering dimensions. The brokers whose stock tips you can trust are the ones who don't offer any." (William Greider. "Crime In the Suites," The Nation, February 4, 2002)

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