Wednesday, January 12, 2011

the biggest thieves in history, the financial institutions that engineered the great recession and profited from it, stole the taxpayers money through bailouts, and gave themselves large bonuses on top of that are now showing their gratitude to the american tax payer by taking their homes away from them. no bailouts for main street. that's reserved only for wall street and goldman sucks !

way to go. enjoy it for now fat cats because what goes around comes around !SEC a FRAUD .. I purchased AIG after Wall Street analysts gave it a clean bill of health. 21 days later AIG collapsed and I lost 95% of my investment. However, ex CEO Hank Greenberg retained a $4.2 BILLION off shore slush fund and Goldman Sachs was paid a swift $8 BILLION back door payment with taxpayer money .. NOT a SINGLE investigation, Not a SINGLE prison TERM ! SEC a FRAUD and American taxpayers swindled.

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