Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bring these guys HOME!!!! We can't afford it financially, or spiitually. Wake up! We have enough troubles without conducting a war away from home. Let's declare a war on POVERTY here in the U.S. and beat it into pulp. Let's build our nation Who cares if a soldier dies, I' m not,.....I care more about all the innocent children, woman or old people who want to spent their lifes just in peace, but they can't,.....because of all this stupid soldiers that playing big,illegal war is illegalGET OUT OF AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ NOW !!
OUR TROOPS, AND THEIR CIVILIANS ARE BEING KILLED FOR NO REASON !!You know what? Qatar murder rates 0.00115868 per 1,000 people. Saudi Arabia 0.00397456 per 1,000 people. Indonesia 0.00910842 per 1,000 people. Malaysia 0.0230034 per 1,000 people. All are muslim countries that Americans claimed are violence in nature but still less than half of the America murder rates.Snoogins, the murder rates in UK is 0.0140633 per 1,000 people; Australia is 0.0150324 per 1,000 people. America? 0.042802 per 1,000 people. Almost triple of the countries that you mentioned. So, again prove one thing, either most of the Americans are ignorant or most of them can just tell lies and believe it is true.

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