Thursday, January 13, 2011

This country has a history of oppressing foreign nations and its own people. Kingdoms rise and fall. Corruption, power, and greed will be the downfall of the USA. We have leaders and politicians more interested in stuffing their pockets than fighting poverty on the streets. What we need is a full-scale revolution to take back our country.If I be USA I would not celebrate yet before it is really to late – pride, stupidity, arrogance comes prior fall. NO wiki leak at this case - this fact suppressed in mid 1990’s trough powers which tell all newspaper will you shut e hell up!!!
So here is incoming: KRTP-91 Tamara-M radar developed by Tesla Pardubice left over from the communist system of formal Czechoslovakia are capable to see any radar invisible targets. When USA military found out about it, they quickly called in from newly formed democratic Czech Republic( 1989) in to White House, Washington DC president of that country Vaclav Havel and to tell him (by the president of USA) this: “ hey either you stop production of this radar system or else”. World wide suppression net was therefore successful and the Congress received nice honey wipe. Hundreds of people lost their jobs when Tesla Pardubice shot down its doors for good. Real problem is therefore security of free world present time especially to the USA skies, re: security (because they all lied to the Congress). This means any unfriendly power likely secretly duplicated this Tamara radar systems with jump of about 15 years furthermore perfecting its penetration making test planes really invisible! For example J20 now superior, because Chins have stolen these plans of Tamara system from the Iraq. So if there is any true conflict day after, all of USA invisible planes will be shot down. In one example same occurred in Serbia (1992 incident) challenge versus modified Tamara efficient only about 65%, but good enough to help shot down one of F 117’s.
And what is more shocking that invisible sub sonic planes which became visible shift back evolution to about 1947 -1951 subsonic technology, due to their slow speed, partially made out of wood, incredible expensive - giving enemy free hand in our open skies. Well, do not yell at me, I told you so…you have never listen…
In Bohemian folklores of the good night stories for kids, there was this story of King which had desires to be invisible. Well, the local Astrologist did not wanted to have his own head cut so perhaps in desperation he said that he is invisible, but must wear no clothing. Every citizen knew all was just non sense, but out of fear for own lifes all of them just kept quiet. On Kings birthday there was this celebration and King just striped down and as if activated magical formula, begin to walk front of all the people naked. Finely tiny voice of this kid somewhere at back in crowd of invited noble quests yelled up loud: Mother! why is this men running around naked?

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