Monday, January 10, 2011

Bush and Dic would have took it down for ya ! Just like W.T.C. # 7 six blocks away ! How come this one didn't it was closer. Hummmmmmmmmm wonder why ???Maybe THAT'S where the missing Black Boxes are !!
Or , they could be where we KNOW they are , wherever the CIA sent them , after finding them at Ground Zero .All these fools ranting about muslims in the neighborhood and nowone seems to care that the sight is still little more than a hole in the ground 9 yrs later or that there is a pile of toxic waste next door.
It seems the sight has more troubles than who is building what 2 large city blocks away.
I also notice very few actual New Yorkers protesting the muslim center, but a lot of fools from out side the city, like they have any say in what goes on in New York.
I am glad they are finally getting rid of this toxic waste, maybe now they can start rebuilding and get on with life. Good luck folks.The US should bomb the building and this time blame it on Mexicans. Then they should invade mexico or their @#$%y chiclets... That'd work and it'll convince the Americans!

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