Monday, January 10, 2011

Why not just stage a 'terror' attack? Set some charges and crash a plane into the damn thing? It worked so well last time! ..Pew stats show that America's fear of muslims is a lot higher today than it was when 9/11 happened.

The republicans are trying to distract us from the recession they led us into by instilling fear in our hearts for muslims. That's how they plan to get reelected.

It's not working on me!!Why didn't they just set fire to it with jet fuel? Those buildings come down in no time - whoosh. Gone. Then have lots of people clean it up without adequate protection. That worked last time.

PS: my heart is heavy for those who lost friends and relatives on 9/11. But don't let the ease of blaming an invisible far away enemy be an excuse not to face the facts.

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