Wednesday, January 12, 2011

China buys billions of U.S. treasury bills, which helps U.S. fill the hole of its deficit. But U.S. policy on the dollar, which allows it to fall so freely, is hurting China because it makes China's holdings worth less. So, China should pass a law requiring U.S. to overvalue the dollar, so that China's holdings can keep its value.

So, America, look at yourself in the mirror first before you bash others.No search w/o warrents.I dont care what the bush regime said,hiding behind 9-11. Follow the constitution,follow the book,and you cant go wrong.No illegal search and seizures,no using military on citizens.PERIOD.TOP 2% of Americans own 80% of the wealth while BOTTOM 80% own just 2% of the wealth = REBEL!
BALANCE 18% of Americans are middle-class, some are the dumb, dumber and/or redneck Tea Party members who have been duped by the media controlled by the wealthy and GOP led them to believe they still have hope to be millionaires or part of the TOP 2% of Americans!!!Only because the banks are holding off on foreclosures because it would dump so many houses on the market the would never be able to sale them, A lot of homes are having the wiring stolen out of them for scrap copper and police can't do anything about it, (love those Unions) so WHO other hell are they kidding when your in the middle of the chit it stinks no matter how much rose smelling spray you use your still knee deep in it.

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