Wednesday, January 12, 2011

US is printing money 24/7, which is artificially devaluation of dallar. Our US government's "Quantitative Easing" policy is an irresoponsible action to hurt the world economy for its own gain. China pegging the yuan to the dollar to protect their investment on the US T-bonds, by forcing China to let their currency float, then US can manipulate the currency and yuan to ease its debt. By the way, the US treasury bond is the biggest "PONI Scheme" of the century.Chinese clearly stated that it will do what is in its own interest. Now it is up to USA to do what is in its interest. A large portion of stimulus fund benefited chinese exporters. Hope USA understands the economic reality. China is not many enterprises but a state enterprise. Even the largest US companies cannot compete.The situation is to say the least volatile, given that China holds approx 3 trillion dollars doing absolutley nothing but sitting in vaults puts the US in a precarious position, all China has to do it to release it onto the world market and the US Dollar will sink like a rock, then lets see how we are going to pay for all the stuff we import, Oil, Wood, Electronics. Gas.... Similarily China needs our markets to maintain it forward economic expasion, considering we consume 40% of everything the world makes we are the biggest and most important market in the world if they lose that then the rest of the western nations will follow and the Chinese markets will collapse leading to either civil war or a return to full blown communism.
Unfortunately we have allowed both parties to send our jobs abroad and the result is we don't or can't make anything we need anymore, hell we didn't even have enough face masks during the SAR scare and Mexico refusd to to sell us any as they needed them themselves.
So unfortunately they have us by the balls and we have them by the balls...

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