Thursday, January 13, 2011

China has yet to invade an African, Asian, Middle East, or Latin or Pan American state. They instead invade with economic forces, helping build infrastructures, building trading partners, respecting sovereign governments as opposed to toppling intrinsic structures creating power vacuums and widespread civil unrest.

The world need not fear Chinese hegemony for quite some time - the government is still working on managing its over 800 million rural unskilled labor force - the real fear is the continued expansion of US diplomacy through military force. If the USA was so concerned with regional peace - why not invade Somalia? No oil? No multi-billion dollar mega contracts for Blackwater (since rebranded) or Haliburton?

This whole China issue is a continued government scare tactic to distract attention from domestic issues, like the rampant drug abuse that's destabilizing Mexico, the 1+million home foreclosures, rampant unemployment, health care, bankrupt social security, and corrupt politicians trading votes for lobbyist favors instead of constituent interests.

The USA keeps pointing its accusatory finger outwards while they raid, plunder, and pillage at home and we allow them to get away with this continuous erosion of our civil rights, increase in taxes except for the wealthy (their tax break was an incredibly assenine argument - but we swallowed it as logical), and massive increases in domestic police forces who can't stop over USD 40 billion in drugs and illict cash flowing across our porous border. What makes us think we can intercept a single terrorist with holes that large - yet we continue to pour our tax dollars into homeland security, TSA, etc under the illusion we can prevent a dedicated and focused terrorist group. Our SEC was asleep while our bankers and accountants decimated our financial system. All this finger pointing distracts us from the true danger - an internal cancer that's spreading and choking our republic.

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