Thursday, January 13, 2011

Here comes hyperinflation. The jew bankers have plans to rob us all into poverty.

We need to finish the Holocaust. That is the only solution to the problem. The only good jew is a dead jew. Adolf Hitler was right and he was doing the right thing.I am a Canadian and I sometimes disagree with the politics of America . Still I have been praying for this wonderful elected politician. Gabriella is a inspiration to a lot of people all over the world, My heart bleeds for all those who lost their lives. Especially the little 9 year old girl who aspired to become someone like Gaby.
At first I was hate filled for Jared the killer but as I read of his miserable life my anger as subsided to pity.
I only hope that the lessons will be learned from this. That hatred will disappear from the political debate and that people start respecting each others opinion and understand that plurality is what has and will make America a leader in freedom, I hope the wars end soon I hope for a significant economic recovery full of jobs that hate for Muslims Jewish people Mexicans and any other group of people disappears forever. And I dream of a future of solidarity of all Nations.
Peace to Arizona and to the USA and the world for 2011!

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