Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cut the military budget by 50%, close all foreign bases, and dump all foreign aid except for humanatarian purposes, then we'll have money to rebuild the infrastructure in the USA, and HAVE MONEY LEFT OVER. Make all senators & congressmen part-timers, and make them buy their own health insurance...How are you enjoying that Bush "goldilocks" economy of cheap money and e-z credit?

The damage of the Bush administration and his gang of neo-con nation wreckers will be with us for the next twenty five years at least. That dosen't count the trillions for wars against nobody.

The nation may never recover. Remember what Pappy Bush said..."its the dawning of a new era, the era of the NEW WORLD ORDER."Bernanke has no idea what he's doing. Printing money is going to make our dollar shrink and this country will see inflation like never before. That will help to balloon jobless, retail and housing. As gas prices rise, so will food and anything that needs to be shipped by truck which is almost everything. I think it's bizzare that when the government figures the cost of living, they DO NOT INCLUDE FOOD AND EVERGY. They say there is no inflation yet gas and all energy and food costs have risen. Now tell me, do we really have intelligent people running this country? We need smaller government. That is what I'm campaigning for in 2012 . We have to make this congress and the president listen to the people.

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